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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Delivered Meal Kits

On 2017-07-23 2:23 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Sun 23 Jul 2017 09:05:40a, jmcquown told us...
> I guess I'm fortunate that my mother never baked anything from a box
> mix. She typically baked more than once a week, usually pies, cakes,
> and cookies.

My mother was a pretty prolific baker. We rarely had store bought
cookies, cakes or pies. The only store bought cookies we had with any
regularity were Dad's biscuits. Their plant was close to where my mother
had grown up, and they came in a box with cookies wrapped in twos, so
they went neatly into school lunches. I often came home to freshly
baked desserts..... and bread.

> I think the only frozen vegetable she bought was frozen green peas.
> I never saw a frozen dinner in her house, ever.

We didn't have a lot of frozen foods because back in the 1950s the
freezer was a little compartment in the top of the fridge that was big
enough for a couple ice cube trays and a few cans of frozen orange
juice. We did have a few Swanson TV dinners over the years. Teachers
liked kids to bring the used "plates" in for art class. The recycled
dinner plates made decent pallets for painting class.