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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Wednesday Dinner .

"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Sat, 22 Jul 2017 18:53:27 -0400, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 7/22/2017 11:47 AM, cshenk wrote:
>>> Julie Bove wrote in
>>>> Also discovered that there is a closer Papa Murphy's to me in Mill
>>>> Creek. Most of the reviews are horrible. They hire people to stand by
>>>> the street and try to attract us with signs and arrows. Since I am
>>>> driving, I never paid attention to what those signs said. I knew it
>>>> was a take and bake pizza but didn't know anything else. Guess it was
>>>> that. One review said there was a 2 hour wait for the pizza. No
>>>> thanks.
>>> Snipped to just here.
>>> I'd never expect to wait at all for an unbaked pizza. Could be a
>>> reviewer who was crazy and exagurating a lot. The only way that could
>>> be 'real' is they asked for a special order (like salt free) and they
>>> had to make the dough from scratch and then, yes, it would take 2 hours.

>> It's a little strange but she does seem to rely on online reviews.

> Yelp reviews are usually worthless. They're written by people who
> either give most everything 4-5 stars or 1-2 stars. They're written
> by people just like Julie!

I have done some Yelp reviews. Not a lot. As I said, I tend not to even
write a review unless it's really good or bad. In the case of the burger
place, I did it as a warning for people to check their receipts. We were
overcharged and the meals did not come out as they should. We also got no
flatware whatever and my mom needed some for her food. The place was just so
crowded and chaotic. There was no way I could get near the counter to have
someone correct this. It also lacked enough seating for the number of
customers in there. These are things people might want to know.
> I often use Yelp to look at the pictures of food from places I'm
> considering to help me decide menu options, but mostly disregard the
> reviews. I certainly wouldn't repeat the contents of the reviews here
> as if they were gospel. And then argue with people about how good or
> bad the place may be based on those reviews.

There was a Mexican place that was here when we first moved here and it had
won some kind of award through the local newspaper. At that point in time,
all online reviews were glowing, but the prices were high and it wasn't the
kind of food I was used to. A lot of meals had cactus in them. I have eaten
cactus and it's not a favorite food.

I kept intending to go there just to try it but the online reviews grew
steadily worse. Food portion size, food freshness, service. etc. Then
reports of food poisoning showed up. The last several reviews stated that
people got sick from eating there.

Not long after, the place closed.

There's another place in Edmonds that used to be pretty good. Not Mexican.
Family owned for longer than I lived here. But the family sold to some
Chinese (cue John Kuthe) people and things went downhill. They kept the same
name and menus but cheapened up the food, serving frozen fries instead of
fresh cut, and things like that. The service got bad too. People didn't
realize at first that there were new owners because much of the staff was
the same but that's all changed now. Still have the same name, but the staff
has all quit and online reports say the menu has changed too. Just no good
any more.