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Terry Coombs Terry Coombs is offline
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Default Delivered Meal Kits

On 7/23/2017 4:10 PM, cshenk wrote:
> Terry Coombs wrote in
>> On 7/22/2017 6:45 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>> Here's an article which states they aren't all that. And no, they
>>> won't make you and your children have a better time together.
>>> Meanwhile, sorry but I'd rather not. I'm pretty good putting meals
>>> together without someone sending ingredients in a box.
>>> Jill

>> Me too ! And that stuff can't possibly compete with home grown fruits
>> and veggies . It may be as fresh as off the shelf grocery store fare
>> , but from the article it's $8 -$12 per serving . Our dinner tonight
>> might have cost us 3 bucks total , and we have leftovers . For sure
>> the locally-grown taters , okra , and tomatoes we had were fresher ...
>> --
>> Snag

> Exactly Terry, they try to tout it as cheaper than home cooking but
> they jack the price way up and it's pretty pitiful at 8$ or more a
> serving for a single meal. I can eat out for less than that at many
> places.
> If someone here can't make a healthy meal for 3$ per person, they
> probably need to learn cooking/shopping skills. Fancy meals with steak
> shouldn't run over 5$ each.

I've got some ribeye steaks out in the freezer that cost me 4 bucks a
pound ... We catch a local store's semi-annual gigantic meat sales . And
they don't adulterate their meat with "solutions" (except prepackaged
chicken , oh well). I usually buy pork loin strips , some kind of beef
steak/roasts , chicken breasts etc , all in quantity . It gets
repackaged in portions for two and frozen .

