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[email protected][_2_][_2_] is offline
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Default Delivered Meal Kits

On Monday, July 24, 2017 at 3:26:28 PM UTC-5, Julie Bove wrote:
> > wrote in message
> > I agree. Who the hell cares what is on someone else's plate?
> > They paid for it and if it bothers you two so much, take a book
> > with you. Better yet, TALK to your dining companion instead of
> > monitoring what someone is eating and how much.

> But it IS the dining companion who is eating the huge amount of food. And
> *I'm* paying for it.

Why do I feel like you're lying as always? Buffets are one price
and one price only. Whether they ate one plate or ten plates of
food the price is the same. You were probably offended because
they chose to eat something that most normal people eat but you
wanted to get ****y with an 'ewwwwwwwwww' because all you eat is
fart pellets, aka beans.

If it was a regular restaurant where you paid for the meal and
no seconds, thirds, fifths, or ten plates were available, suck
it up, pay, and shut up.