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Taxed and Spent Taxed and Spent is offline
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Default OT Sometimes, ya just gotta hold a HARD LINE!!

On 7/24/2017 7:08 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 7/24/2017 9:39 PM, wrote:
>> On Monday, July 24, 2017 at 4:53:29 PM UTC-5, Sheldon wrote:
>>> John can't evict anyone for any reason, the *owner* or the owner's
>>> legal agent would need to go through the courts.... and even for non
>>> payment of rent the judge would very likely give her a court date some
>>> 30 days out from the time of filing and then very likely after a court
>>> hearing the judge would give her 60 days to pay all the due rent or
>>> to leave before the sheriff would be ordered to toss her and her stuff
>>> to the curb... I've had enough people evicted to know the process.

>> I don't know anything about where he lives but here after a tenant has
>> been served with eviction papers they have 90 days to move out. After
>> the sheriff comes and sets them out on the street. HOWEVER, it can
>> take the sheriff up to a year to show up and make them leave.

> What state is that?
> For non payment of rent here in CT there is a 9 day grace period and you
> can then serve a 3 day notice to quit.

and if they don't quit, you start eviction proceedings.