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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Delivered Meal Kits

Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> I see no reason to add a chemical process.

Don't ever use hominy then....corn kernals soaked in lye.
Used to make grits and tortillas....and other things.

Hominy is made from whole corn kernels that have been soaked in a
lye or lime solution to soften the tough outer hulls. The
kernels are then washed to remove the excess solution, the hull,
and often the germ. You can find ready-to-eat hominy in cans,
but we prefer the texture and flavor we get when we cook it
ourselves. (You cook dried hominy exactly like dried beans.)

Hominy is also sometimes cracked to make samp, coarsely ground
into grits, or very finely ground to make masa flour. In these
other forms, hominy is used as a thickener for stew, to make
tortillas and tamales, or as a dish all on its own