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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Beef Steak (WAS: Delivered Meal Kits)

On 7/24/2017 7:54 PM, cshenk wrote:
> Terry Coombs wrote in
>>> If someone here can't make a healthy meal for 3$ per person, they
>>> probably need to learn cooking/shopping skills. Fancy meals with
>>> steak shouldn't run over 5$ each.

>> I've got some ribeye steaks out in the freezer that cost me 4 bucks a
>> pound ... We catch a local store's semi-annual gigantic meat sales .
>> And they don't adulterate their meat with "solutions" (except
>> prepackaged chicken , oh well). I usually buy pork loin strips , some
>> kind of beef steak/roasts , chicken breasts etc , all in quantity .
>> It gets repackaged in portions for two and frozen .
>> --
>> Snag

> I haven't lucked into ribeye at that price locally but I have seen it
> at 5.99 many a time.

This week Publix has boneless NY Strip steaks (which is half of a T-bone
steak, cut off the bone) for $8.99/lb. Bone-in ribeye steaks are
$12.99/lb. You could always buy a standing rib roast and cut the rib
steaks yourself.* Personally, I'd rather have a nice petite tenderloin
filet. aka filet minon. About 6 ounces. I love a good steak, I just
don't have a huge appetite.

*I still find this amusing. About 25 years ago I went to Charlie's Meat
Market (Snag might remember Charlie's on Summer Avenue in Memphis.
Wayne might remember it, too.) I wanted to buy a bone-in standing rib
roast. The butcher said no, you want boneless. No, I want bone-in.
No, you want boneless. No, I want bone-in. No, you want boneless. I
have no idea why this guy was arguing with me. Dammit, just sell me a
bone-in rib roast!
