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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Beef Steak (WAS: Delivered Meal Kits)

jmcquown wrote:
> Personally, I'd rather have a nice petite tenderloin
> filet. aka filet minon. About 6 ounces. I love a good steak, I just
> don't have a huge appetite.

Just in the past 3 weeks, I've cooked two 8oz filet mignons. They
were part of a birthday gift from a good friend and his wife.
First time I've ever eaten that cut of meat. They were nice and
tender but not so flavorful as a ribeye, imo. Difference in fat
content probably. I notice that Ed P. said the same thing about
them a few days ago.

Also, each 8oz, I ate maybe 4-5oz and saved the rest for cold
steak on buttered toast sandwiches. I so love the steak leftovers
that way.

I still have two 10oz strip steaks to cook (2nd half of my
birthday present)

The package came from:

They mail overnight deliveries with dry ice in a VERY insulated

I had fun with the dry ice too. I put a pot of hot water in my
sink then, using tongs, put the dry ice into the pot. What fun to
watch as the "fog" filled the pot, then filled my entire sink,
then even flowed over that. heheh It was fun to see. I took a
few pics. Maybe one came out good enough to post here.