Thread: BLTs for dinner
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Doris Night[_3_] Doris Night[_3_] is offline
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Default BLTs for dinner

On Tue, 25 Jul 2017 19:21:45 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> wrote:

>On Tue 25 Jul 2017 11:42:29a, Dave Smith told us...
>> On 2017-07-25 2:23 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>> On Tue 25 Jul 2017 06:52:27a, Dave Smith told us...
>>>> On 2017-07-25 9:42 AM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>>> On Tue 25 Jul 2017 06:18:12a, Dave Smith told us...
>>>>>> I find corn a little rough on the system, but I really enjoy
>>>>>> eating freshly picked grilled corn on the cob. I limit myself
>>>>>> to one every 3-4 days early in the season. When it starts to
>>>>>> get more yellow I don't bother with it.
>>>>> For me, the more yellow the better.
>>>> Different strokes for different folks. When it turns yellow it
>>>> gets coarse and sticks in the teeth. I always grill it so I
>>>> don't want to open the husks to select. I do a touch test and
>>>> feel for the undeveloped kernels at the tip. That tells me it is
>>>> a nice young cob and still nice and light.
>>> Yep, different strokes. I prefer yellow field corn and will not
>>> even buy sweetcorn. I don't like any corn grilled.

>> Not even in the husk? Since I discovered grilling it in the husk
>> it has been the only way I eat it. None of that boiled stuff for
>> me. And thanks to whoever it was here who introduced me to lime
>> juice and chili powder on corn instead of butter.

>I've never tried grilling it in the husk. I'd have to strip a bit
>down the end to make sure I was getting the corn that was advertised,
>as that is often a problem here.
>I like lime juice and chili in/on a lot things but would not care for
>it on a cob of corn. Butter, salt, and pepper is all I would ever
>use. Hoaving said that, if I roasted the corn, then sliced all the
>kernels off and mixed lime, chili, salt, and butter into the bowl of
>corn kernels, I'd probably like that. I'm just odd that way. As was
>said in a different earlier... Different strokes. :-)

I mix chili flakes, lime juice, and lime zest with butter for my corn
on the cob. We don't grill our corn - we just steam it for a couple of
minutes. And it has to be nice young sweet corn. We don't like the
yellow starchy stuff.
