Delivered Meal Kits
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Delivered Meal Kits
On 7/26/2017 10:51 AM,
> On Tue, 25 Jul 2017 18:15:46 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>> news
>>> On 7/25/2017 9:16 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>> On 2017-07-24 11:06 PM, Doris Night wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, 24 Jul 2017 13:27:41 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> I was not talking about a buffet place. I mentioned a steakhouse
>>>>>> where they
>>>>>> serve 2 pound steaks. To see someone eating that and getting sick while
>>>>>> eating it is just not something pleasant to me.
>>>>> You're kidding, right? Someone is in a restaurant and they are barfing
>>>>> while eating their dinner?
>>>> When Julie returned after her hiatus she was quite restrained in her
>>>> posting. She seems to be reverting to he old style or churning our posts
>>>> and filling them with lies.
>>> We're back to the same old thing. Stories that are unbelievable. 24 oz.
>>> steak at a steak house isn't unusual. Would I order one? No. Do I
>>> believe she saw people getting sick while they were eating one? No. Do I
>>> believe she makes up stuff to get attention? Yes.
>> I didn't see people getting sick eating there. I said that I refused to eat
>> there.
Then why did you write this: "To see someone eating that and getting
sick while eating it is just not something pleasant to me." I'm pretty
sure English isn't your second language.
>> I saw the aftermath of a person who ate there. Not just the steak but
>> parts of the rest of the dinner and the giant cheesecake dessert and however
>> many beers and... I am not making this up and it wasn't pretty.
>> I have been with this person on other occasions where he saw some giant food
>> on the menu, ordered it and sickened himself. I do not mean barfing at the
>> table, but holding his belly, complaining, running to the bathroom, etc.
"Other occasions" suggests it has happened before. So why bother going
out to eat with him? Surely it's not for the sparkling conversation as
you watched him over eat.
> You were the fool for accepting the invite. and I don't believe that
> there wasn't something suitable on the menu to satisfy you... plus you
> are the one with special dietary needs
Indeed, Sheldon! Heck, even the "club" offers menu options for people
who have specific dietary needs. I would expect a diabetic to know what
they should or shouldn't be eating. The club offers gluten free meals,
even though I doubt there are that many celiac sufferers who live here.
It is not the purveyor's responsibility to cater to every possible
health issue on the planet. She seems to have most of them. It's
really more about she doesn't *like* this or she doesn't *want* that.
In another thread she mentioned using up the last of some bean dip she
really likes. The obvious solution would be to buy (or make) more of
it. Doh!
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