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Default Delivered Meal Kits

Gary wrote:
>Ignoring a tread though, you miss many things not related to
>the original line of conversation. Thread-drift is common.
>A few days later and people are discussing something completely
>different. You both should know that.

Julie and John threads are about all that's entertaining lately... I
LMAO at their inane blatherings... it's becoming increasingly rare to
find intelligent on topic posts.
Harvest from two days ago:
Using a saved jar I put up a few garlic dills:
We're zuked and cuked out right now, the bulk went to the golf
course... but a lot more is coming... soon a deluge of tomatoes, ears
of corn already formed, then my favorite 4H melons, later cabbage and
brussel sprouts... oh, and already four pumpkins have formed and
growing fast. Later the winter squash, acorn and butternut, and
probably more I forgot.