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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default In a bind... new fridge

On 2017-07-27 3:01 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 7/27/2017 2:50 PM, wrote:
>> We recently bought a 25 cu. ft. Maytag stainless steel french door

> Hopefully it won't require repair a day after the warranty expires. From
> what I've read here about fairly new appliances, that tends to happen.

I am wondering if the problems people are talking about are the basics
of the fridge or with all the bells and whistles. I was disappointed in
our Maytag because the door pockets were all so flimsy and insecure.
Thank goodness the egg shelf never fell out, but most of the others
have. The meat and cheese tray occasionally pops apart. At least it has
maintained temperature function.

I was out looking at fridges yesterday and the shelving on most of them
is much better. The salesmen in each store have different ideas about
which manufacturers are more reliable. One told me that Maytag went
through a bad time after being acquired by Frigidaire<?> and another
said that LG and Samsung had problems when they first got into the
business but have established themselves. It still shocks me to think
that online reviews rated Maytag highly, because my experience with a
fridge, stove and dishwasher is that they were about the worst I ever