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Gloria P Gloria P is offline
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Default In a bind... new fridge

On 7/27/2017 12:50 PM, wrote:
> We recently bought a 25 cu. ft. Maytag stainless steel french door with bottom freezer with water and ice on the door. So far I love it. There is room on the top right for 2-liter soda bottles, and the door shelves are so deep they fit all of my condiments, and I have a ton of condiments. This is my first bottom freezer and I'll never go back to what I had. There are two deep drawers, and things are so easy to find. I've only had it for a few weeks, but so far I'm very satisfied.
> Denise in NH

That's what we bought when we remodeled our kitchen about 8 years ago
and I love it. We deliberately did NOT get the water and ice in the
door b/c we aren't gadgety and that unit take up a lot of fridge space.
I'm not at all sorry.

gloria p