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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Cheated on the stuffing

Sqwertz wrote:
> And I
> use light chicken stock (which I've mixed from Better Than Bouillon -
> make as strong or as weak as you want).

Question for you. BTB has been mentioned frequently here.
I've considered it before but it seems only like bouillon.
Guess I need to examine ingredient list tomorrow.
Is it real dehydrated chick stock, or about the same
product as plain bouillon?

So far, I use real home made chicken stock/broth but I usually
add just a nip of bouillon to enhance the taste.

Don't need the bouillon with turkey stock. It's much more
favorful and achieves the cold gell state easily.

> The stuffing at Thanksgiving is usually the most involved dish I make,
> but also the highlight of the dinner. Gotta be cooked IN the bird.

Same here, the Thanksgiving turkey gets the works with stuffing
for me. I make tons of it as it's the best part of the dinner,
I pack the body cavity and also the neck area. Usually have more
left and I'll put that in a small casserole dish for extras.

As you said, cooked IN the bird is best. I agree completely.