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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default OT My recent purchase

"Cheri" wrote in message news
OK, so 2-3 weeks ago the microwave discussion was going on, and my
microwave, an Oster, started making a very loud noise. It was cheap so
thought I would replace it. After hearing that people really liked the
Panasonic with inverter, I purchased one even though the last Panasonic I
had didn't last particularly well, this new one is not the expensive model,
but cost $135.00, $55.00 more than the Oster I had. Guess what, today there
was a really loud pop, no lights and the inside felt very hot. The power to
it was working fine, I have a dedicated line for the microwave, so boxed it
up to take back. I am DONE with Panasonic, and will repurchase the Oster.


Aww that is a shame. Mine has lasted a long time
