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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default In a bind... new fridge

On 7/27/2017 3:22 PM, graham wrote:
> On 2017-07-27 1:01 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 7/27/2017 2:50 PM, wrote:
>>> We recently bought a 25 cu. ft. Maytag stainless steel french door
>>> with bottom freezer with water and ice on the door. So far I love
>>> it. There is room on the top right for 2-liter soda bottles, and the
>>> door shelves are so deep they fit all of my condiments, and I have a
>>> ton of condiments. This is my first bottom freezer and I'll never go
>>> back to what I had. There are two deep drawers, and things are so
>>> easy to find. I've only had it for a few weeks, but so far I'm very
>>> satisfied.
>>> Denise in NH

>> Hopefully it won't require repair a day after the warranty expires.
>> From what I've read here about fairly new appliances, that tends to
>> happen.
>> Jill

> I wonder if the reason for lack of reliability is all the unnecessary
> add-ons. My KA bottom freezer fridge is now ~20 years old and has never
> been a problem. However, it doesn't have an automatic ice maker and is
> not connected to the internet so there's bugger-all to go wrong.

I agree, Graham. I don't want or need my appliances to connect to the
internet! I don't need a refrigerator/freezer with a motherboard or
chips that can go bad. My refrigerator does not need to be able to tell
me what time it is. I don't need it to keep track of what is in it and
create a shopping list that will sync with my (non-existent) Smartphone.
I just want a reliable, long lasting appliance. The kitchen
appliances in this house are ancient. I'm lucky, they still work.
