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Art Todesco Art Todesco is offline
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Default Chemistry help for cleaning the wife's pots & pans with pool acid

On 7/29/2017 8:54 PM, Danny D. wrote:
> What chemistry is going on here?
> Specifically, why green?
> The wife loves when I clean the toilets using the patented huckleberry
> method devised by Oren of pouring concentrated pool acid into the tank, so,
> she asked me to clean the pots and pans ("for once").
> Being a believer in the magic of alchemy, I dutifully pour the HCL:
> blob:
> This muriatic acid bubbles and froths quite reassuringly, as if it's doing
> something useful:
> But the end result is less than spectacular:
> It seems the metal *under* the baked-on crud was worn away, leaving the
> crud!
> On the inside of the pot, it just seemed to pit the insides like sandpaper:
> The result of all that hydrochloric acid was a large vase of pretty green
> "something" ... but what is this green something made out of?
> More importantly, what is my next magic chemical to try?

I'd use spray oven cleaner, but the acid may have already damaged the
surface of the pot.