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Oren Oren is offline
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Default Chemistry help for cleaning the wife's pots & pans with pool acid

On Sun, 30 Jul 2017 12:19:11 -0000 (UTC), "Danny D."
> wrote:

>On Sun, 30 Jul 2017 00:02:08 -0400, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> What the heck is in the pot? Did something overcook and burn? I've
>> cleaned a couple of burnt pots by putting dishwasher detergent and
>> boiling few minutes, then soak overnight. They are 50 years old and
>> still look like new.
>> Worst case scenario, five minutes with an SOS pad

>The pots were basically "abused" by me (according to my wife) because I
>used them to make potato wedges for the grandkids, who love my potato
>I would parboil the potatoes, cut them into wedges, soak the wedges in cold
>water, whip up a mix of flavored flour, tamp down the wedges a bit with a
>towel, and then put the wedges and flavored flour in a baggie to shake
>shake shake.
>Then I'd freeze them (dunno why freezing works, but it does), and then when
>ready, I'd pop them into 400 degree F boiling oil in those pots.
>Invariably there'd be splashes, fires, and spills, where the end result was
>those pots.

Oh Danny,

The wife is correct. The pics looked like burnt on oil/grease to me.
Try an oil with a much higher smoke point. Oven cleaner would have
been my go to first option. Spray heavily and enclose in a plastic
bag overnight - repeat a time or two.

You could likely put the pot in a self-cleaning oven to get the mess
off as long as the pot is oven safe (no plastic handles).

What am I gonna do with you son :-)