dinner 7/29/17
On Sun, 30 Jul 2017 11:23:43 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>Sqwertz wrote:
>> Tonight I saved my "spice" for the habanero ketchup on the hash
>> browns. Any more than that and Gary and Shelly would have had a fit.
>Your 'breakfast for dinner' was right on until you just HAD to
>to add heat to the hash browns. REALLY?
>I wouldn't have even put plain ketchup on the hash browns.
>Heavily salted and peppered works for me.
>What the hell is wrong with you
>loving hot peppers with every damn meal?
>I like heat too but NOT with a breakfast meal.
>ymmv :-D
I dried home grown bishop's crown peppers in a dehydrator and sprinkle
them over just about anything. From breakfast eggs to peanut butter to