why do I still read this crap??
On 2017-07-30 3:50 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 7/30/2017 3:21 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> Apparently there is a growing acceptance of the right to be offended.
>> The latest incident here is a native man who live streamed an attempt
>> by a store employee to kick him out of the store and the man is
>> commenting that "for whatever reason" the clerk refused to sell him a
>> chain saw. The press knows that most people don't read past the
>> headline or the video. The man claimed to have opened up the chainsaw
>> case to see what oil mixture rate to use with the saw. He omits the
>> part about sticking the oil can in the case. Basically, he got caught
>> trying to shoplift. Instead of being ashamed of being caught stealing,
>> he treats it as an example of racial discrimination.
> If the attempted theft was mentioned they would call it stereotyping or
> profiling.
Yep.. So they omit it entirely and blame it on out and out racism.
Heaven forbid the guy should admit that if their was a stereotype about
his people he just helped to reinforce it.