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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default why do I still read this crap??

On 7/30/2017 6:00 PM, dsi1 wrote:

> The stuff that's going on with the wave of immigration in Europe will change the face of the place forever. Some Europeans don't much care for that. All I know is Hitler would be spinning in his grave so that's probably a good thing.
> All in all, the Europeans are taking it all rather well. America would go into meltdown mode if such a thing happened on our shores. We can't even allow a few Mexicans into our country without thinking about building a wall between us. That's totally irrational. I mean, we ain't commies, why are we acting like commies?

I know at least some of the Europeans are considering an invasion. Many
of the immigrants don't want to become part of a new culture, they want
their old culture to dominate and replace it.