On Tue, 1 Aug 2017 11:11:01 -0500, Sqwertz >
>On Mon, 31 Jul 2017 14:56:02 -0400, wrote:
>> wrote:
>>>Tabasco now makes a sauce that's supposed to be much hotter than their habanero sauce.
>> If it's like Gold's extra hot horseradish it's because they add a
>> few drops of mustard oil, however it has a horrid lingering after
>> taste.
>Gold horseradish doesn't contain any mustard oil. "Horseradish,
>Vinegar, Salt and Artificial Flavoring, Sodium Bisulfate".
Gold's Hot Horseradish does indeed contain mustard oil. The
ingredients list at their website calls it "Artificial Flavoring" but
when I bought it a few years ago the label listed mustard oil (perhaps
a chemically produced mustard oil?). Their regular horse radish does
not say Artificial Flavoring.
Hot Cream Style Horseradish - red label
Horseradish, Vinegar, Salt and Artificial Flavoring. Keep
Prepared Horseradish - blue label
Horseradish, Vinegar and Salt. Keep Refrigerated.
>No hot pepper sauce manufacturers add mustard oil to their products.
>The two flavors do not go together at all. And there are plenty of
>varieties of very hot peppers where the heat level doesn't need to be
I didn't say pepper sauce contains musturd oil, I said IF it's like
Golds, a supposition. However do not buy Gold's Hot Cream Style
Horseradish, it's about twice as hot as the original but you won't
like it, leaves a strange metalic aftertaste, I trashed most of it...
I don't think it's available everywhere, I've only seen it in the NYC
area, I've not seen it up here in the boonies.