Thread: dinner 7/29/17
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Graham Graham is offline
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Default dinner 7/29/17

On 2017-08-01 2:54 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Sun 30 Jul 2017 08:28:35a, U.S. Janet B. told us...
>> On Sat, 29 Jul 2017 21:35:49 -0400, jmcquown
>> > wrote:
>>> On 7/29/2017 8:33 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>>>> I tried out a new recipe for grilled thick pork chops. They
>>>> were outstanding. It's the first time in several years that I
>>>> have eaten a whole pork chop. I served them with wide buttered
>>>> noodles that were dressed with minced parsley, freshly ground
>>>> pepper and garlic. The side was just-picked green and yellow
>>>> bush beans. Here's the recipe for the pork chops.
>>>> 6 Pork chops
>>>> 3 TB Barbecue sauce (tomato -based)
>>>> 3 TB Sugar
>>>> 2 TB Dry sherry, gin, whiskey, -brandy or rum
>>>> 3 TB Dark soy sauce or 2 TB
>>>> -oyster sauce
>>>> 1/2 tsp. Five spice powder
>>>> 1/2 tsp. Salt
>>>> 1 Garlic clove, mashed.
>>>> Mix all the marinade ingredients together and pour
>>>> over pork chops. I marinated them for 8 hours. I drained
>>>> the
>>>> marinade and boiled it for about 15 minutes and then basted the
>>>> grilling chops occasionally with the marinade. Serve 4-6.
>>>> Janet US
>>> Thanks, Janet US! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
>>> I haven't bought thick cut pork chops in years. The first time I
>>> bought them I was about 25. I stuffed them using home baked
>>> crumbled cornbread. The added vegetables - onion, celery, maybe
>>> garlic. They were sauteed in butter until translucent. Chicken
>>> broth was likely what I used for the liquid at that age. At any
>>> rate, the mention of thick pork chops brought back some memories.
>>> There was always some extra cornbread stuffing baked alongside the
>>> stuffed pork chops. That and a green veggie (have some salad!)
>>> and you've got a complete meal.
>>> Jill

>> I haven't had a stuffed pork chop in years. My mother always used
>> to make them and I just never have. You put stuffed chops in the
>> oven to finish? I think she did hers stovetop. For how long do
>> you think? Thanks
>> Janet US

> My mother always browned the stuffed chops in a skillet on the
> stovetop, then baked them in the oven fo 45-50 minutes. I don't
> think she ever used a recipe, but I found this one and have used it
> several times, although I adjusted the stuffing. As Jill indicated,
> I used dry crumbled homemade cornbread, increasaed the amount of
> sage, used diced celery instead of just the leaves. You can
> certainly make many changes to the stuffing.

I've made stuffed pork tenderloins the way my mother always did them.
Coil the TL and tie with string around the "equator". Then push the
stuffing into the recess and pack more on top before baking. Sage, onion
& breadcrumbs was the stuffing mix she always used and I do too. Sage
goes well with pork. I can taste it now:-) Memories:-)