Thread: dinner 7/29/17
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U.S. Janet B. U.S. Janet B. is offline
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Default dinner 7/29/17

On Tue, 1 Aug 2017 18:01:08 -0400, jmcquown >

>On 8/1/2017 5:52 PM, graham wrote:
>> On 2017-08-01 2:54 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>> On Sun 30 Jul 2017 08:28:35a, U.S. Janet B. told us...
>>>> On Sat, 29 Jul 2017 21:35:49 -0400, jmcquown
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> On 7/29/2017 8:33 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>>>>>> I tried out a new recipe for grilled thick pork chops. They
>>>>>> were outstanding. It's the first time in several years that I
>>>>>> have eaten a whole pork chop. I served them with wide buttered
>>>>>> noodles that were dressed with minced parsley, freshly ground
>>>>>> pepper and garlic. The side was just-picked green and yellow
>>>>>> bush beans. Here's the recipe for the pork chops.
>>>>>> 6 Pork chops
>>>>>> 3 TB Barbecue sauce (tomato -based)
>>>>>> 3 TB Sugar
>>>>>> 2 TB Dry sherry, gin, whiskey, -brandy or rum
>>>>>> 3 TB Dark soy sauce or 2 TB
>>>>>> -oyster sauce
>>>>>> 1/2 tsp. Five spice powder
>>>>>> 1/2 tsp. Salt
>>>>>> 1 Garlic clove, mashed.
>>>>>> Mix all the marinade ingredients together and pour
>>>>>> over pork chops. I marinated them for 8 hours. I drained
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> marinade and boiled it for about 15 minutes and then basted the
>>>>>> grilling chops occasionally with the marinade. Serve 4-6.
>>>>>> Janet US
>>>>> Thanks, Janet US! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
>>>>> I haven't bought thick cut pork chops in years. The first time I
>>>>> bought them I was about 25. I stuffed them using home baked
>>>>> crumbled cornbread. The added vegetables - onion, celery, maybe
>>>>> garlic. They were sauteed in butter until translucent. Chicken
>>>>> broth was likely what I used for the liquid at that age. At any
>>>>> rate, the mention of thick pork chops brought back some memories.
>>>>> There was always some extra cornbread stuffing baked alongside the
>>>>> stuffed pork chops. That and a green veggie (have some salad!)
>>>>> and you've got a complete meal.
>>>>> Jill
>>>> I haven't had a stuffed pork chop in years. My mother always used
>>>> to make them and I just never have. You put stuffed chops in the
>>>> oven to finish? I think she did hers stovetop. For how long do
>>>> you think? Thanks
>>>> Janet US
>>> My mother always browned the stuffed chops in a skillet on the
>>> stovetop, then baked them in the oven fo 45-50 minutes. I don't
>>> think she ever used a recipe, but I found this one and have used it
>>> several times, although I adjusted the stuffing. As Jill indicated,
>>> I used dry crumbled homemade cornbread, increasaed the amount of
>>> sage, used diced celery instead of just the leaves. You can
>>> certainly make many changes to the stuffing.

>> I've made stuffed pork tenderloins the way my mother always did them.
>> Coil the TL and tie with string around the "equator". Then push the
>> stuffing into the recess and pack more on top before baking. Sage, onion
>> & breadcrumbs was the stuffing mix she always used and I do too. Sage
>> goes well with pork. I can taste it now:-) Memories:-)
>> Graham

>I completely forgot to mention the dryed sage. That gets patted along
>with the S&P.That works so well with pork.

I almost can't wait but it is going to be a couple of weeks yet. 104F
Janet US