No Heat Jalapenos
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No Heat Jalapenos
On Wed, 02 Aug 2017 16:53:38 -0600, U.S. Janet B. >
>On Tue, 01 Aug 2017 17:25:58 -0400,
>>On Tue, 1 Aug 2017 17:40:59 +0100, Janet > wrote:
>>>In article >,
>>>> We always wanted a variety of pickles like we had at home. If you are
>>>> satisfied with the one taste then you are good to go.
>>>> Janet US
>>> What makes you think home pickle makers only make one sort?
>>I make more kinds of fermented pickles than I can count... sometimes
>>with garlic, sometimes with dill and ssometimes with other herbs, and
>>sometimes not. I use all sorts of pickling spices and many different
>>herbs, and fermented to different degrees... most times I prefer half
>>sour but at times I want full sour, and anything between.
>>People here don't seem to know that fermented is NOT preserved...
>>otherwise they'ed be sdold from the aisle shelves and dnot from teh
>>refrigerated shelves. I don't think Janet US cooks anything, least
>>I've not seen any of her cooking, yet she has an awfully BIG mouth
>>putting other people down. I've always posted pictures of my cooking
>>and of the veggies I grow... I don't believe Janet US has ever cooked
>>more than a bowl of cold Flackie Wackies.
>you're just like trump. You have no identity unless you can belittle
>someone else and lie about how great you are. None of this would have
>started if you hadn't belittled my efforts. I've seen pictures of
>your cooking. I wouldn't eat anything from your house because of the
>filthy pots and pans. You're always claim you are so clean -- doesn't
>show in your pots and pans. Your pots and pans show that you are too
>lazy to clean them.
Ok, the Janet-off fizzled out, but we have a Domestic Goddess-off
instead. It's Snooty Janet versus Old Perv!
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