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sanne[_2_] sanne[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 398
Default Vegetarian bacon

Am Donnerstag, 3. August 2017 08:21:03 UTC+2 schrieb Bruce:

> My motivation in this is animal welfare.

That's why we only buy organic meat from sources we know. And they have
their own slaughterhouse.

Our "problem" is that we drink real milk in our coffee (full-fat, organic,
not homogenized - we tried alternatives, they taste like crap to us); we
love cheese and milk in some dishes.
Therefore, calves have to be born - otherwise, the cow doesn't produce milk.
And some of them aren't slaughtered when they are still calves, but live
long enough to give excellent meat.
Young cows that get slaughtered without having calves. Not chained up
in their stable. Allowed to go outside on a meadow.

Eggs - well, hardly any, but they do come from chicken - the few eggs we buy
are organic, too. The kind where the animals aren't caged together tightly
but have their own space in a large shed.

Pigs - allowed to run around, play, go outside.

Fish - not from big trawlers, but directly from small boats or honest
fish farms (via our fish monger, of course ;-))

Bye, Sanne.