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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Quick & Easy Food Processor Pizza Dough

"Wayne Boatwright" wrote in message

On Wed 02 Aug 2017 12:37:53a, Ophelia told us...

> "Wayne Boatwright" wrote in message
> 9.45...
> I've been making this pizza dough for years, adapted from aa
> recipe I found on a cooking show, but I don't remember which show.
> Qick& Easy Food Processor Pizza Dough
> -------------------------------------
> 1 Cup Lukewarm Water
> 1 Envelope Dry Yeast
> 1 1/4 Cups All-purpose Flour
> 1 1/4 Cups Bread Flour
> 1 Teaspoon Salt
> 1 Teaspoon Granulated Sugar
> 1/2 Teaspoon Garlic Powder
> 1/2 Teaspoon Mixed Italian Herbs
> 2 Tablespoons Light Olive Oil
> Additional Light Olive Oil for Pan
> Cornmeal
> Parmesan Cheese
> 1. Dissolve yeast in water and set aside.
> 2. Combine flours, salt, sugar, garlic powder, and Italian herbs
> in workbowl of food processor. Pulse briefly to mix. Drizzle
> olive oil over mixture.
> 3. With machine running, gradually add yeast/water mixture.
> 4. Continue processing until mixture forms a mass that travels
> around with the blade. Note: If this fails to happen, add
> additional flour, 1 tablespoon at a time, until mass forms. This
> will take about 15 seconds. Alternately, add water 1 tablespooon
> at a time until desired consistence is reached.
> 5. After mass forms, time processing for 45 seconds. Dough will
> be somewhat sticky.
> 6. Coat an 8-cup bowl with non-stick spray. Turn dough into bowl,
> and coat dough lightly with non-stick spray. Cover with plastic
> wrap, then cover with a towel. Put bowl in warm place and allow
> to raise until double in bulk. Depending on temperature, this
> will take 1-2 hours. Punch dough down and allow to rise again.
> Repeat punching down and rising one more time. Punch down.
> 7. Coat pizza pan(s) with olive oil, then sprinkle lightly with
> cornmeal.
> 8. Turn dough into pan(s), then press out to edges and 1/2 inch up
> the sides with fingers and palms of hands.
> 9. Drizzle a small amount of oilve oil over dough and spread
> evenly with fingers. Dust edge with Parmesan cheese.
> 10. Add sauce, toppings, and cheese.
> 11. Bake pizza on lowest rack of a preheated 500-550°F. oven for
> 12- 14 minutes, or until crust is nicely browned and cheese is
> slightly browned and bubbling.
> 12. Remove pizza from oven, allow to rest 5 minutes, the cut
> immediately and serve.
> NOTE: I use a 14-15" pan for this quantity of dough. It can also
> be divided to make two 10" pizzas.
> Wayne Boatwright
> ==
> I will try that the next time I make pizza. Atm I mix the dough in
> the breadmaker.

I've never owned a breadmaker and have no experience with them. I
used my KitchenAid stand mixer for most breads, or my food processor
for pizza dough, or single loaf batches of bread.

Wayne Boatwright


I bought one after I had been ill and couldn't manage to knead and make
bread myself. I was damned if D was going to have shop bread.

I do still use it to do the kneading sometimes, but we are on 'no knead'
bread atm. It is jolly good stuff)
