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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Vegetarian bacon

On 2017-08-03 12:21 PM, dsi1 wrote:

>> My brother and SiL are visiting their son and his family this week. When
>> the son visits with them they accommodate and serve veggie burgers and
>> other fake meat items, but the son and DiL are not so accommodating.
>> They are not cook meat on their BBQ. If they want meat they have to go
>> out to a restaurant and the rest come along at my brother's expense.

> It's not a matter of accommodation. Veggie burgers are pretty innocuous, inert, things. Expecting a vegetarian to handle and cook meat would be like expecting an American to eat dog or horse meat i.e., it ain't gonna happen.

They were not expecting them to handle meat. They did not want them to
cook meat on their BBQ. Accommodation is supposed to be mutual.