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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Questions about recipe

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 8/2/2017 6:29 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> On Monday, July 31, 2017 at 9:33:08 PM UTC-10, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> "dsi1" <> wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On Monday, July 31, 2017 at 9:02:04 PM UTC-10, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>> I just ran across this and it looks good! But... I am not sure what
>>>>>> it
>>>>>> means by thin skinned potatoes. I know that new ones have a thin skin
>>>>>> but I
>>>>>> don't personally think they're the best for mashed. And... What do
>>>>>> they mean by
>>>>>> oil packed tomatoes? Sundried oil packed? I have tried sundried
>>>>>> before
>>>>>> and didn't care for them because even rehydrated, they were tough and
>>>>>> chewy.
>>>>>> But
>>>>>> I never tried the oil packed. Here's the recipe:
>>>>> I'd use any potato that you feel is suitable for mashed potatoes. The
>>>>> tomatoes are dried tomatoes and indeed, they will be chewy.

>> The recipe appears to be for hot mashed potatoes. I suppose you could
>> let it cool. What would you substitute for the dairy, which I recall
>> give you trouble?
>> Cindy Hamilton

> Somehow I can't imagine combining sun-dried tomatoes (oil packed or
> otherwise) with mashed potatoes. I guess I just have no imagination.
> If she doesn't think the potatos she already has are good for mashing, buy
> some different potatoes. Potatoes are cheap.
> I bought myself a couple of bakers (russets) yesterday. I haven't had a
> baked potato in ages.

I actually went with a different recipe. And I can have dairy now so not a
problem. I had no potatoes so bought the Yukon Gold.

Only thing I didn't do was put in the garlic. I made the full recipe because
I thought my lawn guys would be here around dinner time and I offered to
give them a meal. I don't really like garlic and the one guy didn't tell me
that he shouldn't have it. I had gotten Dominos pizza prior and even though
he didn't eat the crust edge (where most of the garlic is), he still still
needed antacid.

So long story short, they got heat exhaustion and dehydrated on another job
and couldn't make it here. That left me with a ton of them. And... I hadn't
thought this through ahead of time but... Since you add raw tomatoes to the
cooked potatoes, that makes them something quite different. I suppose you
could eat them cold but I opted to reheat some in the microwave. The end
result was still good but not IMO as good as it was with the raw tomatoes.
When I make them again, I will be sure to make only what I need.