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John Kuthe[_3_] John Kuthe[_3_] is offline
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Default "white trash" sous vide

On Friday, August 4, 2017 at 10:53:10 AM UTC-5, ImStillMags wrote:
> When I wanted to get into sous vide I could not see spending a big chunk of money on a circulator and I certainly was not going to buy an actual sous vide machine...big bucks.
> I saw in a post somewhere that you can make what I call a "white trash" sous vide out of a older crock pot (one that has off, low, high switches and a removable crock, or equivalent) and a thermocouple.
> So I started researching and Googling. Found a lot of good information and videos and went to Amazon and bought an Inkbird. Cost me about $45. And I see they are even cheaper now.
> Easy set up once you understand the way the thermocouple works and it works very well. My older crock pot is a larger one with a deep removable crock so I can do more than one piece at a time, like the two pieces of brisket I just did recently, and I can put the lid on it to keep evaporation from happening. People who use the Anova or others use coolers and cut holes in the lids or use regular containers and put ping pong balls on them to slow evaporation.
> I think a crockpot with a lid is a genius hack.
> The reason I did my white trash setup was that if I discovered I wasn't really into sous vide then I'm not out a bunch of money on a setup, and If I discovered I LOVED it I can always upgrade later on when I feel rich !!!
> Well, I love sous vide, but right now my little hack works perfectly so I don't see any reason to spend any more.
> So if you are interested in trying sous vide and not spending a fortune, try the white trash hack.

Yep! That's what I helped Bryan build out of I think a turkey roaster and a thermocouple and a controller circuit. He used it a couple of times.

John Kuthe...