barbie gee wrote:
>pot.of.mana wrote:
>>Joanne wrote:
>>> I have seen these all of my life at the grocery store and often
>>> wondered how they differ from dill pickles. Also, in spite of the fact
>>> that I see them everywhere they have never been on a platter at a
>>> party I have attended.
>>> Yes, you could/will probably say to me "so just buy some and find
>>> out"; what stops me is that I don't like sweet pickles and I wonder
>>> if they fall into that catagory. Don't want to waste a perfectly good
>>> jar of anything.
>>> Thanks.
>look at the ingredients?
>Generally, Polish pickles are not sweet.
Pretty much the fermented pickles I make... only I use Penzeys
pickling spice (the best I've tried), dried dillweed+dill seeds, and
twice the garlic, and I use RO water, reverse osmosis filtered water
is purer than bottled. Just yesterday I put up two quarts of spears
(quartered longitudinally) to join the two gallons of wholes. It's
been ten days so the gallons are now in the fridge, will likely dive
in tomorrow.
Tonight's dinner; a 3.3 pound family pack of skinless boneless chick
breasts sliced into cutlets and marinating in soy sauce, freshly
ground white peppercorns, ginger powder, white box wine, a wee bit
sesame oil, and a heaping tbls orange marmalade... to be sauted.
Will be accompanied by buttered wide egg noodles tossed w/brussel
Yes, and all reused jars so sue me: