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What are Polske Ogorki Pickles like?
On Sat, 05 Aug 2017 13:10:21 -0400, wrote:
>barbie gee wrote:
>>pot.of.mana wrote:
>>>Joanne wrote:
>>>> I have seen these all of my life at the grocery store and often
>>>> wondered how they differ from dill pickles. Also, in spite of the fact
>>>> that I see them everywhere they have never been on a platter at a
>>>> party I have attended.
>>>> Yes, you could/will probably say to me "so just buy some and find
>>>> out"; what stops me is that I don't like sweet pickles and I wonder
>>>> if they fall into that catagory. Don't want to waste a perfectly good
>>>> jar of anything.
>>>> Thanks.
>>look at the ingredients?
>>Generally, Polish pickles are not sweet.
Polish Dill Pickles (Ogorki Kiszone) Recipe
This easy recipe for Polish dill pickles is known as ogórki kiszone.
It is easily adaptable to make 1 quart or as many quarts as you like.
>Pretty much the fermented pickles I make... only I use Penzeys
>pickling spice (the best I've tried), dried dillweed+dill seeds, and
>twice the garlic, and I use RO water, reverse osmosis filtered water
>is purer than bottled. Just yesterday I put up two quarts of spears
>(quartered longitudinally) to join the two gallons of wholes. It's
>been ten days so the gallons are now in the fridge, will likely dive
>in tomorrow.
>Tonight's dinner; a 3.3 pound family pack of skinless boneless chick
>breasts sliced into cutlets and marinating in soy sauce, freshly
>ground white peppercorns, ginger powder, white box wine, a wee bit
>sesame oil, and a heaping tbls orange marmalade... to be sauted.
>Will be accompanied by buttered wide egg noodles tossed w/brussel
>Yes, and all reused jars so sue me: