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Default Soupy Slaw was ultimate Reuben

On Sat, 5 Aug 2017 15:25:44 +0100, Janet > wrote:

>In article >, says...
>> As for the food processor, I've seen recipes for making it that way but... I
>> have found that using the food processor to chop veggies does result in a
>> lot of liquid coming out and the chopping isn't necessarily even.

> FP Ignorance strikes again. Go stand in the corner with Sheldon and
> Chopping is not slicing.
> A quality food processor has different kinds of blades for different
>functions (chopping, slicing, shredding, beating) The chopping blade
>chops, it doesn't slice. For slicing you use slicing blades. As with a
>knife, each slice is cut once. There's no soupiness or liquid because
>the SLICED vegetable doesn't get chopped up over and over.
> My FP blades offer a choice of three different slice thicknesses,
>here's a couple. As you can see, they cut perfectly even.

You have low standards. Home style food processor blades hack off
very short pieces, not shreds.... it actually butchers a cabbage (or
any veggie) with those blunt edged blades that whack like a guillotine
rather than slice. Home style food processors have a relatively
narrow feed tube, too narrow for producing properly long shreds...
commercial food processors don't use a feed tube... but still those
blades approach like an axe so beat on the food rather than slice...
and that's why commercially prepared slaws quickly become soupy too,
it's just that the deli periodically drains their slaw and adds fresh

A method I use for shredding cabbage is to slice a head into quarters
through the core and then seperate out the center portion and use the
outer portion for shredding with a knife... the inner portion, about
1/4 of the head, consists of very small compact leaves that really
don't shred well but the center is very sweet and tender, cooks treat
along with the heart of the core.

No home cook needs to prep so much food that they need a food
processor... those who rely on home style food processors not only
have poor knife skills they are in fact ascared of a knife. Those
home cooks with good knife skills can easily out perform a food
processor, both in speed and especially quality. I tried a food
processor for about a year, the largest one Cusinart offered at the
time, I thought it sinful what it did to veggies.... my lawnmowers do
a neater job slicing flora.