Thread: zucchini bread
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Default zucchini bread

On Sat, 05 Aug 2017 23:33:07 -0400, Doris Night
> wrote:

>It's zucchini season. DH has grown several different varieties of the
>stuff. What to do, what to do.
>I've wanted to make zucchini bread that isn't sweet - most recipes
>seem to have all kinds of sugar and even chocolate chips! That does
>not appeal to me at all.
>So today I dug out a banana bread recipe and used the "bones" of the
>recipe for the zuccini bread. Two cups of flour, a tsp of baking soda,
>a tsp of baking powder, and a pinch of salt. Half a cup of butter and
>a couple eggs. My recipe called for a cup of sugar - I cut that down
>to 1/2 cup. Instead of the banana, I used one grated zucchini. I think
>it ended up yielding about 1 1/2 cups after I squeezed out all the
>water. I also added about a cup of chopped walnuts.

I would have also added chopped dates.

>The batter was very stiff, so I added 1/2 cup of greek yogurt. It was
>still too stiff, so I beat in about 1/4 cup of milk. At this point, I
>piled it in the loaf pan, crossed my fingers, and stuck it in the oven
>(350 for 50 minutes for two small loaf pans).
>It turned out to be surprisingly edible! If I do this again - and
>judging by the amound of zucchini on my kitchen counter, I probably
>will - I'll cut down the sugar to about 1/4 cup, and add some grated
>sharp cheddar cheese, and possibly some diced onion, scallions, or
>Any other suggestions?

You can add zucchini to a raisin bran muffin recipe.