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Taxed and Spent Taxed and Spent is offline
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Default Men pay more at vegan cafe

On 8/7/2017 7:50 AM, Janet wrote:
> In article >,
> says...
>> On 2017-08-06 9:14 AM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>> Man tax?
>>> Owner Alex O?Brien told Broadsheet website: ?I do want people to think
>>> about it, because we?ve had this (pay discrepancy) for decades and
>>> decades and we?re bringing it to the forefront of people?s minds.
>>> ?I like that it is making men stop and question their privilege a little
>>> bit.?

>> I noted a couple interesting things about the article. There is no
>> indication that the owner is paying his female staff anything more than
>> he pays his male staff. He is in the restaurant business, one which
>> depends heavily in female staff and one which tends to pay minimum wage
>> with a reliance on tipping. The photos say a lot about it. In one photo
>> there are two women. Another shows an empty restaurant.

> It's a feminist cafe, Alex the owner is female and so are all the
> staff.
> Janet UK

sounds like illegal discrimination.