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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Men pay more at vegan cafe

On 2017-08-07 3:44 PM, Bruce wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Aug 2017 15:50:03 +0100, Janet > wrote:
>> In article >,
>> says...
>>> On 2017-08-06 9:14 AM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>>> Man tax?

>>> I noted a couple interesting things about the article. There is no
>>> indication that the owner is paying his female staff anything more than
>>> he pays his male staff. He is in the restaurant business, one which
>>> depends heavily in female staff and one which tends to pay minimum wage
>>> with a reliance on tipping. The photos say a lot about it. In one photo
>>> there are two women. Another shows an empty restaurant.

>> It's a feminist cafe, Alex the owner is female and so are all the
>> staff.

> You're really into your new hobby of stating the obvious, aren't you?

A couple people responded to my small error about the owner being female
instead of the male I assumed by the name Alex, but no one cared to
address the observation made about the lack of an indication that Alex
was paying her employees extra wages to make up for that 18% wage gap.
She might have been better off to remove the idiotic sign about the 18%
tax on men's bills and put one up that suggested a 25% tip for her staff
because she pays them the same shit wages that most other wait staff are