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Taxed and Spent Taxed and Spent is offline
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Default Scrambled eggs and . . .

On 8/8/2017 8:24 AM, wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Aug 2017 07:22:39 -0700, Taxed and Spent
> > wrote:
>> On 8/8/2017 7:11 AM,
>>> On Mon, 7 Aug 2017 21:18:11 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>>> On 8/7/2017 5:54 PM,
>>>>> You give no citation... their web site says no such thing.
>>>>> Just talks about being around for some 100 years and some tooting
>>>>> their own horn... same crowing and mooing as most old dairy companys.
>>>>> They are not in NY... I doubt they are anywhere in the northeast.
>>>> I think you mentioned you shop at BJ's
>>> We don't buy any perishables at BJs.... there we buy canned goods,
>>> cleaning products and paper products. BJ's is too far from us to even
>>> think about buying perishables. We don't buy many perishables at
>>> Walmart either, it's easier to buy perishables in town, mostly we buy
>>> dairy at Stewart's Shops, I buy meats at in town at Tops. I asked
>>> about the Daisy dollop because from the context I had no idea it was
>>> about sour cream, I never heard of Daisy sour cream, I've never seen
>>> it advertised anywhere. We don't buy much sour cream and when we do
>>> it's the store brand because it comes from the same local dairy as the
>>> name brands but costs less. For all I knew the Daisy dollop referred
>>> to a sex aid. Now I will make it a point to check out the sour cream
>>> at the various markets we go to around here. We really don't buy much
>>> dairy, my wife has milk in her tea, I never drink milk and neither
>>> does she... we never buy yogurt, we rarely buy ice cream, we don't buy
>>> much cheese, we do buy butter and eggs. I don't remember the last
>>> time we bought sour cream, probably to bake something for
>>> Thanksgiving, sour cream is not something we ever keep in the fridge.
>>>> I can rasily get it here in CT and MA.
>>>> Where can I find Daisy Sour Cream?
>>>> More than 90% of all grocery stores in the United States carry Daisy
>>>> Brand Sour Cream, as well as a large number of club stores, military
>>>> commissaries, and food service establishments across the nation. Please
>>>> contact us to find a store near you.
>>> Their store locater is useless (actually non existant), I'm not about
>>> to fill out that long form, supply all my personalk informations, and
>>> wait for email... why don't they have software to enter a zip code
>>> like normal products?!?!?
>>> From reading their FAQ I don't believe Daisy has their own dairy(s),
>>> to me it's obvious that they contract with local dairys that are
>>> willing to fill and distribute their containers.... no different from
>>> all other store brands.

>> You are reading something I am not. They may not have their own
>> "dairies", but they have their own plants which turn the raw material
>> into their products.

> Show me. They claim to only sell two products; sour cream and cottage
> cheese. Dairies produce a lot more products than just sour cream and
> cottage cheese or they'd operate at huge loss. You obviously have no
> idea what a dairy is... a plant that turns raw milk into dairy
> products is a Dairy. Raw milk isn't shipped long distances. There
> are dairy farms everywhere, their raw milk is transported to the
> nearest dairy... dairy products aren't shipped long distances either.
> We mostly buy milk here, it's also the closest store of any kind to
> where we live, 3 1/2 miles:
> Stewarts Shops stores number in the hundreds, located
> all over the New England area.

Here, ya dope. Stop making shit up.