Thread: Price of eggs
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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Price of eggs

On 8/8/2017 7:15 PM, cshenk wrote:
> jmcquown wrote in
>> On 8/8/2017 11:44 AM, wrote:
>>> About half my neighbors on this road raise chickens for eggs, some
>>> for meat. (snippage)

(more snippage)
>>> The large producers can sell eggs for cheap because they produce so
>>> many and by far most eggs are sold to the major wholesalers who
>>> supply the huge food producing companys... many more eggs are
>>> turned into powdered eggs and frozen eggs than are consumed fresh.

>> I wasn't talking about mass producers. A local farmer who raises
>> chickens and sells eggs.
>> When was the last time you had powdered eggs? On a Navy ship? The
>> one where you claim they had such wonderful food and prime steaks?!
>> I don't know anyone who buys powdered eggs. Some of those fear for
>> your life survialist sites sell that sort of thing. Me, I'll stick
>> with real eggs.
>> Jill

> Hi Jill, Navy ships can be odd and while I never had a working party
> that saw actual powdered eggs, we did have some cartons that were like
> 'egg scramblers' and frozen then used in baking. They stored well and
> if we were out longer than expected between supply ships, you might
> find the only option was scrambled from them. Frankly, they were fine
> for all but those who yearned for a sunny side up and you'd have to be
> 2 months out to hit us out. Just like in your own fridge, eggs last a
> good bit. The cartons made great omlettes and were freezable so laster
> months and months at need.
> Sheldon waxes lyrical as well all know.


> Reality, I never saw powdered
> eggs. Ships however do have limited storage and have to conserve space
> (more than power!) so a stackable carton that was used for baking, was
> a good item. In *his day* they may have had powdered ones. Not by
> mine unless it was some deep storage spot for wartime use with 6 years
> replacement/expiration stuff we never saw.
> Estimation based on best memory. FT McHenry (crew 300) would onload
> 500 36each fresh egg flats plus the carton stuff that tasted just fine
> scrambled.

Egg Beaters (which are egg whites with yellow color, sold in cartons and
frozen or refrigerated) are okay in a pinch if you want scrambled eggs
sans yolks. I was merely taking exception to his comments about most
eggs being turned into powdered eggs. I can't imagine who would buy
them. The Navy thing was my best guess when he replied about powdered eggs.
