pot luck item
On 8/9/2017 6:50 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Tuesday, August 8, 2017 at 6:40:06 PM UTC-4, tert in seattle wrote:
>> I'm going to a pot luck this weekend. Grilled chicken will be provided,
>> as well as drinks. Not sure what to bring. Any ideas??
>> thanks
> Tabouli or some other vegetable-heavy dish. I don't ever seem to be
> able to get enough vegetables at potlucks; it's always meats and
> carbs as far as the eye can see.
> Maybe that's because I'm in the Midwest...
> Cindy Hamilton
The pot lucks I've attended were always heavy on desserts and pasta
salad and potato salad. It's hard to say without knowing what else is
in the lineup other than grilled chicken. Side dishes? How about Chex
Snack mix? Potato chips and dip.
We had a lot of pot lucks at work. We had a sign-up sheet specifiying
what was already being provided. Bring one of the missing items. Fresh
greens/salad was usually one of them. The men who didn't cook
invariably signed up to bring paper plates, plastic knives/forks and
napkins. The company started providing those so they had to figure out
something else. It's not easy, unless you know what other people are
already bringing.