pot luck item
On 2017-08-09 1:39 PM, tert in seattle wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2017-08-08 6:39 PM, tert in seattle wrote:
>>> I'm going to a pot luck this weekend. Grilled chicken will be provided,
>>> as well as drinks. Not sure what to bring. Any ideas??
>> How about prosciutto and melon. When we threw a big party for my wife's
>> birthday that was one of the things I prepared and it was a big hit.
>> Melons are good at this time of the year. It's easy enough to throw
>> together and despite the high cost per pound for prosciutto, it is cut
>> so thin that it doesn't take much.
> I don't get the whole proscioutto with melon thing
I like it. I can tell you that at our outdoor party on a hot summer day
it was eaten up in no time and I made up another batch.
BTW.... my son had suggested sliced watermelon as well. It goes down
nicely on a hot summer day.