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U.S. Janet B. U.S. Janet B. is offline
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Default Ping: Graham Pizza flour

On Thu, 10 Aug 2017 12:50:16 -0500, Sqwertz >

>On Wed, 09 Aug 2017 22:50:26 -0600, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>> On Wed, 9 Aug 2017 23:11:46 -0500, Sqwertz >
>> wrote:
>>>The reviews I've seen of the "Pizza Blend" high gluten flours have
>>>been less than positive. I've been making a lot of pizzas lately, but
>>>only because I discovered the tipo '00' flour (Caputo, Anna/Cento
>>>brands). It'll run you about $1.25/lb in kilo-sized bags, but it's
>>>worth it. You can get it in bulk for as low as $.60/lb.
>>>AP flour is OK for Sicilian pizzas, but I won't use anything but the
>>>tipo 00 flour for normal pizzas anymore.

>> But, is the Pizza Blend solely high gluten or are there other
>> ingredients to make it more extensible, relax more? That's what I was
>> trying to find out by reading a bag. It could be that pizza blend is
>> made for sheeters and so forth -- mechanical manipulation.
>> Obviously some of my local pizzerias are using both the pizza blend
>> and the thin dough mix. If I could catch someone actually buying the
>> stuff I could at least ask who they work for and go to the shop and
>> talk to the dough makers. I'll just have to be persistent.
>> thanks for your report on the reviews. This store also carries
>> specifically labeled high gluten flour which I have used and like a
>> lot. The pizza blend must be somewhat different.

>From what I've read of the pizza-specific flours, they are a
>combination of unfortified flours and don't contain any sort of
>conditioners or other additives. The only general foodservice pizza
>flour I've heard good things about is the Restaurant Depot 'Supremo
>Italiano' which claims to be a 00 flour. My Restaurant Depot doesn't
>carry it, but rather the "Len'z Best" which doesn't claim to be 00.
>I wouldn't assume that "thin dough mix" is for pizza (and pita?). I
>can't find that term used anywhere in relation to flours or baking.

I couldn't find reference to thin dough mix either. Bag end says
The Great American
Thin Dough Mix
that's all I could see.
Janet US