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pot luck item
On Thu, 10 Aug 2017 16:33:06 -0700, "Cheri" >
>"Nancy Young" > wrote in message
>> On 8/10/2017 4:03 PM, Bruce wrote:
>>> On Thu, 10 Aug 2017 08:54:38 -0400, Nancy Young
>>> > wrote:
>>>> On 8/9/2017 1:00 AM, Bruce wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 09 Aug 2017 04:28:22 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> Certain people in our social group predictably bring things like buns,
>>>>>> chips, jarred salsa, peper and plastic goods, etc., of which are
>>>>>> certainly useful, but always purchased with little effort to offer.
>>>>> Ok, I've read that 4 times now and it still doesn't make sense. You
>>>>> can talk better than that, Whiny Wayne.
>>>> Hey, Wayne, I think we found one of those people. Grab a bag of
>>>> chips for their contribution.
>>> Ms Young, how did you know I'm part of Wayne's social group? I tend to
>>> keep that to myself.
>> Well, even anti-social types can have work "pot luck" situations.
>> The guy who'd bring in the cheapest and easiest possible contribution
>> was the same one who never missed filling up on free food everyone
>> else brought.
>> There's always one.
>> nancy
>At least one, usually the same guy/gal that goes around pouring all the
>booze that has a bit left in the bottles into one bottle which he/she takes
>home. We actually knew people that did this.
Damn, are you saying that people notice that?