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Graham Graham is offline
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Default Ping: Graham Pizza flour

On 2017-08-08 1:28 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> I went to Cash and Carry today and as promised I tried to check out a
> bag of 'Special Pizza Blend' flour to see what was there to make it
> 'pizza flour." My store is in the throes of a remodel and some fool
> thought it was a good idea to put the 25 pound bags at my fingertip
> height. So I wasn't able to examine the bag of pizza flour. However,
> there was an interesting flour right next to the pizza flour. It was
> called 'Thin Dough Mix.' There was a lot of unloading of pallets
> going on in the store today. When I get back again at a quieter time
> I will ask for assistance.
> Janet US

Sorry for the late post, Janet, but I have been to BC to visit the twins.
I wonder if the "Special Pizza Blend" is a mix of AP and softer cake flour.
The other one might be for battering fish etc.