Ping: Graham Pizza flour
On 2017-08-11 1:18 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Aug 2017 13:00:55 -0600, graham > wrote:
>> On 2017-08-08 1:28 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>>> I went to Cash and Carry today and as promised I tried to check out a
>>> bag of 'Special Pizza Blend' flour to see what was there to make it
>>> 'pizza flour." My store is in the throes of a remodel and some fool
>>> thought it was a good idea to put the 25 pound bags at my fingertip
>>> height. So I wasn't able to examine the bag of pizza flour. However,
>>> there was an interesting flour right next to the pizza flour. It was
>>> called 'Thin Dough Mix.' There was a lot of unloading of pallets
>>> going on in the store today. When I get back again at a quieter time
>>> I will ask for assistance.
>>> Janet US
>> Sorry for the late post, Janet, but I have been to BC to visit the twins.
>> I wonder if the "Special Pizza Blend" is a mix of AP and softer cake flour.
>> The other one might be for battering fish etc.
>> Graham
> go up thread and read Steve's responses.
> did you have a good time?
Oh yes! They are absorbing language and numbers like sponges. Their 2nd
birthday next week although it should have been October. They seem to
have caught up and then some.
But then, ALL grandchildren are perfect:-)