pot luck item
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pot luck item
On 2017-08-12 11:16 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 8/12/2017 12:51 PM,
>> On Saturday, August 12, 2017 at 9:00:09 AM UTC-5, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On 2017-08-12 12:31 AM,
>>>> I hope nobody holds back and tells her she's too old to be hanging
>>>> out those younger guys, even if one is her cousin. And I hope they
>>>> tell her they don't want to pay for her food orgies.
>>> She does get excluded from a lot of events for a couple reasons. One is
>>> that she and her husband are quite a bit older. Making a pig of herself
>>> is another one. She once dropped in on her step sister, who was
>>> expecting company... invited company. Step sister was a very generous
>>> hostess who loved to prepare lots of good food when entertaining. BN
>>> was invited to stay and then she ate all the food before the guests
>>> arrived.
>> I would have had to speak up and say "STOP! You're not going to eat
>> e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g before the guests arrive." I truly would have
>> said that to her.
> I would have said that to her, too. Get out of the kitchen! You have
> no business digging in the pantry. Go into the living room and sit down!
>>>> Just how BIG is she?
>>> She is 6 feet tall and probably about 350. About 2 years ago she had to
>>> lose 75 pounds to get a hip replacement. She has since gained it all
>>> back.
>> Why doesn't she go in for the stomach reducing surgery? How big is
>> her husband? Are they both the size of an adult rhinoceros??
> 6 feet is pretty tall. Is she as wide as she is tall?!
> As for the stomach bypass surgery it costs a heck of a lot of money.
And only if you WANT to lose weight!!!!!
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