Thread: McDonalds, yum!
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default McDonalds, yum!

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 8/12/2017 10:08 AM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> Since we have very dark walls, if it were not for nightlights, one
>> would truly stumble around in the dark. However, we use 130 volt,
>> 4.5 watt incandescent buls in those.

> I don't know what you're doing that requires so much lighting in the dark.
> I have one night light in the hallway at the other end of the house
> because sometimes my cat sleeps on the couch in the den. She probably
> doesn't need it but I turn it on when I go to the bedroom. Me, I don't
> get up and wander around the house at night. I use Halogen lightbulbs,
> lower watt and quite pleasant. Not harsh bright white light. That's what
> Sheldon was talking about.
> Jill

Only place I don't keep a light on is the 1/3 of the house where the living
room is. Mainly because I rarely go to those parts of the house. Otherwise
it's an nightlight or a very dimmed light of some kind. I don't like total