Thread: McDonalds, yum!
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default McDonalds, yum!

"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> On Sat 12 Aug 2017 10:42:46a, jmcquown told us...
>> On 8/12/2017 12:59 PM, wrote:
>>> On Sat, 12 Aug 2017 04:34:40 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
>>> > wrote:
>>>> On Friday, August 11, 2017 at 10:00:02 PM UTC-4, Jill McQuown
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 8/11/2017 8:32 PM,
>>>>>> On Fri, 11 Aug 2017 18:43:27 -0400, jmcquown
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> On 8/11/2017 6:28 PM, notbob wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 2017-08-11, jmcquown > wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I gave one of the early chia-pet kits to a friend once when
>>>>>>>>> a group of us decided to have a sillest cheap holiday gift
>>>>>>>>> exchange.
>>>>>>>> I notice the "Clapper" (clap on!-Clap off!) is also from the
>>>>>>>> same company. They start doing a buncha TV ads around
>>>>>>>> Christmas time. I've actually considered buying a "Clapper",
>>>>>>>> being a seriously lazy geezer, 'n all.
>>>>>>>> nb
>>>>>>> I think those clapper things actually work, nb! However, I'm
>>>>>>> not yet sufficiently lazy I can't turn a lamp on and off.
>>>>>>> Jill
>>>>>> Anyone needs night lights this is the best:
>>>>>> 0A3F1MZE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1502495895&sr=8-1&keywords=maxx
>>>>>> ima+mln50 They emit too much light for a bedroom but are great
>>>>>> in bathrooms, hallways and basements...
>>>>> You really do tout these night lights, don't you? Thing is,
>>>>> not everyone wants (or has need for) night lights. I don't
>>>>> wander around the house at night so I don't need anything like
>>>>> that. I also find LED lighting to be rather harsh.
>>>> I agree. For me, it's because the spectrum is so narrow. I
>>>> still have quite a few incandescents because the light is much
>>>> more pleasing.
>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>> Where I live there are no street lights, on a cloudy night it can
>>> be pitch black indoors, too dark to see past your nose.

>> There are no street lights here, either. I don't drive in the
>> dark. I don't walk around the house in the dark. I go to bed, I
>> go to sleep. I turn out the beside lamp. It's a halogen bulb,
>> BTW.
>>> The older LEDs
>>> emitted a harsh light but not anymore, now they are housed with a
>>> filtering lens that blocks the harsh light spectrum. The
>>> particular night lights I'm using emit a warm glow. I use them
>>> mainly so I don't step on cats sleeping in the hallways, and to
>>> avoid stepping on gushy wet hairballs. Cats also leave toys in
>>> unexpected places,

>> Mine doesn't. She seems to know the living room is the place for
>> toys.
>>> favorite game they play is to fight with bathroom floor mats and
>>> leave them in a heap to be tripped on. Those who fall and can't
>>> get up are the ninnies who are too cheap to use night lights.

>> YOU'RE likely to step on cats sleeping in hallways. I'm not. No
>> gooshy hairballs, either. I know where my cat is when I go to
>> bed. She's either curled up next to me or asleep on the couch in
>> the den. She does not make play toys out of bath mats.
>> Sorry, your experience does not match mine. Then again, I've
>> never had multiple cats running around the house.
>> Jill

> To add to the light issue confusion, three of our four cats are
> predominately black. No natural light enters our hallway, so we
> always turn on he light when we walk down the hall even in the
> daytime to make sure we're not tripping over a cat. :-)
> Unfortunately there is no place to plug in a nightlite in the hall.

Jszzy is black. I have stepped on her or even accidently put my hand on her
because she tends to blend right in with some things.