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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default At least it's vegan

On 8/12/2017 6:44 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> Durian. Not normally seen in slices. The yellow custard-like part is
>>> what you eat. Durian is a bit like liver. You either love it, or hate
>>> it. Rarely any middle ground.

>> If it was Durian she would have known by the overwhelming stench.

> I have never had it but I have heard that it is delicious. I just have
> to wonder how it is possible to get something past your nose and into
> you mouth when it smells that bad.

I only remember durian from the open air markets in Bangkok. It smelled
horrific but is alledgely very mild and sweet tasting. I couldn't get
past the stench to try it. Some restaurants refuse to serve it because
of the smell.

I really have no idea what Nancy posted a picture of. Jackfruit or
breadfruit might be right.
