McDonalds, yum!
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McDonalds, yum!
On 8/13/2017 11:09 AM,
> jmcquown wrote:
>> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> Jill McQuown wrote:
>>>> penmart wrote:
>>>>> Anyone needs night lights this is the best:
>>>>> They emit too much light for a bedroom but are great in bathrooms,
>>>>> hallways and basements...
>>>> You really do tout these night lights, don't you? Thing is, not
>>>> everyone wants (or has need for) night lights. I don't wander around
>>>> the house at night so I don't need anything like that. I also find LED
>>>> lighting to be rather harsh.
>>> I agree. For me, it's because the spectrum is so narrow. I still have
>>> quite a few incandescents because the light is much more pleasing.
>>> Cindy Hamilton
>> I simply don't need night lights. I don't wander around the house at
>> night. If I need to get up I'll turn on a lamp. I use low watt halogen
>> bulbs in the lamps. They last a long time.
>> Sheldon seems to need night lights all over. He mentioned stepping on
>> sleeping cats. I only have one cat. I usually know where she is. At
>> bedtime, she's likely right beside me.
> Anyone possessing reading comprehension would have noticed immediately
> that my post began with "Anyone needs night lights"...
Yes, you did say that. But you seem to mention these night lights quite
often. One might think you're getting some sort of kickback from
Amazon. LOL
> Jill is really no different from Julie when she
> poopoos every food suggested by exclaiming "I DON'T EAT THAT - WAH,
> WAH, WAH ... doesn't get more spoiled brat infantile.
Really? If I'm not interested in certain foods I tend to ignore the
posts. You won't find me posting about Sub sandwiches, Philly cheese
steaks or pickles.
> And then there are those whose thought process spectrum is too
> narrow... many millions use night lights, I doubt any use them to set
> a mood.
> Not everything suggested is intended as dogma.
Come on, Sheldon. You post things as if they're dogma. You're as bad
as anyone else. You hate bacon. You despise lamb. Don't like
shellfish. Or fish with any sort of cheese. How many times have you
said something is TIAD? Pot, kettle, black.
I do love the pics of your land and your cats.
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