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Default Fight at Costco!

On Sun, 13 Aug 2017 12:39:36 -0400, Boron Elgar
> wrote:

>On Wednesday, 13 Jul 2016 22:58:31 -0400, "Allen Prunty"
> wrote:
>>The problem is that other large cities know Louisville has so many programs
>>and shelters here... instead of getting their own programs for the homeless
>>they get them greyhound tickets and put them on the bus send them to
>>Louisville. Our city truly is overburdened by the homeless. Many shelters
>>put them out on the streets at 7am and won't let them back in until sundown.
>>They don't stay at the same shelter two days in a row the shelters do this to
>>keep them from establishing permanent residency at 30 days.
>>We keep getting more and more of them and we have filled two cemeteries for
>>the indigent because they come here to die. It is a burden on our medical
>>system too.
>>If other cities would do what we do instead of shipping them here it woudl be
>>great. I do volunteer for the soup kitchens and have some delicious soup
>>recipes that feed the masses I could post if anyone is interested.
>> |\ _,,,---,,_ +-----------------------------+
>> ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ | Isn't there always a cat |
>> |,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' | on whatever you're reading? |
>> '---''(_/--' `-'\_) +-----------------------------+

>I call bullshit. Show stats for this claim.
>Louisville has had deep cuts in funding for the homeless recently and
>steep drops in numbers.

The homeless are nomadic. they move to wherever they can get more of
whatever they need. There are homeless everywhere, not just in the
urban centers... there are more homeless now than there were just a
few years ago in the very rural village where I live... they are not
burdonsome but they are here. Some here are living in cars. They use
the bathrooms in supermarkets to clean up as best they can. Many are
Veterans with severe health issues who the VA won't/can't help... they
refuse to live in the sub par crowded conditions the VA supplies and I
don't blame them, they are safer living on the streets. The few who
congregate here will be gone as soon as winter arrives, there is
nowhere to escape the bitter cold.